Meet The Team

Edward McDannold

Financial Consultant

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I am a Financial Consultant focusing on serving clients with Financial Planning and Investment Management strategies. I studied Economics at the University of Kentucky and began my career with PNC Bank and, most recently, Morgan Stanley Wealth Management prior to joining J. Nelson Financial Group, LLC, formerly Global Financial Resources, LLC.

I actively seek to break the mold on traditional financial advising.  I have developed a practice servicing individuals across all socio-economic statuses.  The client's best interest is at the core of all decision making from start to finish. I collaborate with clients to reduce costs associated with Investing and streamline the process to make it easy to understand.

I understand the unique challenges most of us are facing as we move through our lives.  It is important to be able to balance both work and life and know we are being well taken care of on the other side regardless of the situation.  I currently reside in Independence, KY, with my wife, Landis, and our two children, Callie and David.

Edward McDannold